IWSG: Taking Risks in Writing?

This post is part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) Blog Hop. Sign up!

April's optional question: Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work? 

Wow. My first instinct is that, no, I don't. Not in style or POV or anything like that.

But in thinking about it, Echelon is about interplanetary slavery, and the associated short story I published has a mixed-race heroine who falls in love with her alien master's son.

So, given recent events yeah, I guess I do take risks and cover controversial topics. I hope I do it well, with understanding and sensitivity to the complexity of said issues.

What about you? What risks do you take in writing and or/life?


  1. That sounds like a great story. Reflecting real-life issues in other universes can be a good way to address topics, and maybe help someone going through them, without needing to be too raw or direct.

  2. You're following in the wonderful tradition of Gene Roddenberry--tackling current issues in a futuristic world. Not always easy to do with grace and style. Good for you.


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