Thanksgiving Holiday and Echelon #4 Progress

I live in America, and this past week me and a fair amount of the country celebrated Thanksgiving.

In the past, this has meant getting up early to cook the turkey, watching the Macy's parade while I cook, and finding Thanksgiving-like things for the kids to do.

But I'm tired of feeling tired at the end of the day. So, I made some changes, with the support of my family.

This year, there was no turkey. I decided, based on various factors and with my spouse's full blessing, to have a vegetarian Thanksgiving. I made lentil loaf instead. And it mostly worked. In fact, one of my kids called it the best Thanksgiving ever.

Other benefits: less clean up and it treats me better physically with more energy after eating it than before.

So yeah, we're doing it again next year.

Macy's parade... didn't even try to look for it. In fact, no TV at all this year. Too distracting and noisy.

Thanksgiving activities? My kids are older and, although it would be nice to have something we all do, my energy levels are such that I just can't right now.

Feeling very grateful for what I have this year: a chance to write, a chance to love the family I've been given, and yet another day to grow and learn.

In line with that, I got back into Echelon #4's outline this morning. Still doing the Snowflake Method. Currently working on the Four Page Summary. I'm tweeting my progress if you want to follow along. Link is below. It's not a neat and orderly timeline, but I do try to post progress daily.

What about you? What are you grateful for?


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